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Flying Bomb, Italian.

One of the most interesting things in bomb construction was an aerial torpedo bomb of about twelve kilogrammes that was designed for operation against distant objects, to be dropped from an airplane at a height of 1,500 m. It is about ten inches in diameter and about five feet in length. Its wing span is approximately four and a half feet with a dihedral of about three degrees. The wings are braced in Warren truss fashion. It is the concussion type of bomb, carrying the charge in the nose. Directly behind the charge is a small compressed air chamber. The compressed air actuates a gyro which maintains the stability of the bomb by holding the rudder in place. The elevator is set to maintain the correct gliding angle and then to dive vertically. This is done by connecting the elevator to a cam which is revolved slowly by the action of a propeller on the tail of the bomb. This propeller, of course, is actuated by the reaction afforded by the movement of the bomb through the air. The wing area of this bomb is about eight feet. This bomb can be used for bombing objectives at a distance of approximately twelve kilometers, thus giving the airplane or dirigible dropping the bombs that point of advantage