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The Italian Experimental Station under the direction of Colonel Verduzzio, is located on the outskirts of Rome. It is a fairly well equipped station for aeronautical, experimental, and research work. However, its activities were necessarily curtailed by the financial conditions existing throughout Italy. Comparatively little work was being done but the subject which are of greatest interest to Italy were being investigated as far as the available funds would permit.

The Crocco wind tunnel which is universally known is housed in this institution. The Crocco tunnel is of the closed circuit type, driven by a seventeen bladed wind screw at the rate of 450 revolutions per minute. A 150 horsepower engine is the source of power. This tunnel is sufficiently well known to make further description unnecessary. A very good, sectionalized picture of this tunnel is found in the photographic supplement of page No. 213.

The institute also houses three small scale tunnels which have been constructed for instructional purposes.

The most interesting device for studying air flow was