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one which was being tried out in an endeavor to be able to actually see the disturbance of air behind a surface. They hope to achieve this by means of a long telescope and an electric spark jumping across a gap. Some degree of success had been achieved but considerable work remained to be done. This device was carefully inspected but in its present stage of development does not warrant greater description. Their altitude chamber offered nothing novel.

The Italians, of course, are most interested in lighter-than-air machines and this branch of aviation is receiving the bulk of attention. Exhaustive tests are being conducted on the proper streamlining for dirigible shapes, cars, engine nacelles, surfaces, keels, etc. These are conducted both in the wing tunnel and in the tanks. Right in line with this development, considerable work was being done to determine the strength of fabrics. Tests were being conducted to determine the breaking strength and gas pressure under which it would fail. Any number of tests were being conducted to determine the permeability of the fabric by exposure to the weather when the fabric was under constant gas pressure. Other permeability tests were being conducted