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release the parachutes from the basket or man as soon as it strikes the ground.

Much attention is being given to seaplane development and any number of tests were conducted in a large model basin, 600 meters long by three meters wide. A third rail system handles the model and devices are provided for procuring accurate readings.

Rather interesting results have been obtained with a whirling arm mounted over a tank of water.

One of the most interesting developments of the Italian Technical Section was the Italian Flying Bomb or the "Teleo" Bomb as it was called. This is adequately described in the Resume of Italian Aeronautical Activities.

They also had an interesting target airplane which is fully described under the appropriate heading.

The activities of the Italian Aeronautical Section show that the personnel is working hand and conscientiously to develop new equipment and to improve their present machines but the lack of financial support is evident and the entire establishment gives the impression of being practically abandoned.