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The Savoia Company are the best seaplane and flying boat constructors in Italy. Their interpretation of hull construction evidences marked superiority of design and craftsmanship and entitles them to rank high among the world's best air boat constructors. Their seaplanes are also very good and the performances attained with their different models have been comparable with best results attained anywhere.

In their hull construction they employ walnut longerons, ash ribs, and poplar veneer covering. The workmanship is excellent and the care exercised in the detail work is remarkable. Their wings do not differ from other wings in design or construction. However, the fin is built integral with the aft end of the hull and is very thick to provide a good mounting base for the empenage proper.

The tail control countershaft is located in the fin. The entire tail plane, which is generally very wobbly on flying boats, in this case is very rigid. An interesting feature in their tail plane construction is the way the two spars in the stabilizer are supported by one steel tube brace. To the usual steel tube