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engine bed in diametrically.

The tail surfaces with internal controls have been located much higher and the bottom of the rudder has been covered with sheet metal to avoid injury in the water.

This machine will have the Hispano-Suiza 300 h.p. engine substituted for its present isotta power plant.

Spain has recently ordered twelve more of this type as she had a great deal of satisfactory service with them in Morocco.

Characteristics of the S - 13 are as follows:

Span ------------------   11.08 m.
Length ----------------    8.99 m.
Height ----------------    3.16 m.
Motor, Hispano-Suiza --  300.   h.p.
Area ------------------   40.60 sq. m.
Weight, empty --------- 1000.   kgs.
Useful load -----------  400.   kgs.
Total weight ---------- 1400.   kgs.
Loading per sq. m. ----   34.   kgs.
Velocity --------------  200.   k/h.
Chord of upper wing ---    1.90 m.
Chord of lower wing ---    1.55 m.
Tail span -------------    5.   m.
Hull length -----------    8.49 m. 

SAVIOA S - 16 bis - This is an improvement over the original S - 16. The tail surfaces have been raised and the area has been increased. The lower wings have been given lateral dihedral in