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Passenger capacity -----    2
Motor, Isotta ----------  160 h.p.
Area -------------------   45 sq. m. 39
Weight, empty ---------- 1143.9 kg.
Total weight, loaded --- 1385 kg.
Load per sq. m. --------   31 kg.
Hours of flight --------    2 1/4 hr.
Velocity, minimum ------   75 k/h.
Velocity, maximum ------  155 k/h.

This is a type of school machine. It has a supporting area slightly inferior to the S - 13. It is very strongly built. The boat is covered, as are all the other Savoia types, with veneer planking. The small auxiliary wing floats are of veneer also. Ailerons are fitted to the lower wings only. The tail surfaces are of the raised type and have internal controls. It is equipped with a four-bladed propeller. Its flying qualities have been pronounced very excellent for instructional purposes. It has a marked degree of responsiveness to controls. Twenty-five of these have been purchased by Spain.

SAVOIA S - 24 - This machine is constructed along the same lines as the S - 22 but is much larger and intended principally for civilian use. Two motors are installed in tandem. The machine is of the two bay wing truss type and will accommodate approximately ten to twelve passengers. The first machine has been completed and