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Pilot-------------------  70 kgs.
Fuel--------------------  30 kgs.
Span -------------------   6 m.
Length -----------------   4 m. 22
Height -----------------   2 m. 12
Velocity, maximum ------ 130 k/h.
Landing speed ----------   4 k/h.
Load factor of safety --  12
Range ------------------ 420 km.
Climb to 1,000 m -------   9 min.
2,000 m ----------------  22 min. 40 sec.
3,000 m ----------------  40 min. 45 sec.
4,000 m ----------------   1 hr. 30 min.

The Macchi company is building quite a number of these machines for distribution to the Italian squadrons for acrobatic and practice flying work.

Our Navy has recently purchased some of this type which are at Anacostia. It is claimed that this type is very economical for keeping the pilots in flying trim.

The Macchi Company is very well equipped to carry out flying boat construction and is specially noted for their hull construction.

They are now constructing a number of M-19 school flying boat type machines for the Italian Navy.

Characteristics of this machine are as follows:
Span -------------------  15.80 m.
Length -----------------   9.75 m.
Total height -----------   3.25 m.