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Motor, 6-cylinder Isotta - 250 h.p.
Area ----------- 45 sq. m.
Weight, empty ------ 1,000 kgs.
Useful load ------- 250 kgs.
Total weight ------- 1,250 kgs/

The useful load is made up as follows:

Pilot and student ---- 150 kgs.
Fuel, 2 1/2 hours ------ 95 kgs.
Instruments ------- 5 kgs.

Factor of safety ----- 10
Maximum velocity ----- 160 k/h.
Minimum velocity ------ 80 k/h.
Range ---------- 350 km,

MACCHI -- M-15. The Italian Army Air Service has recently ordered from Macchi firm twelve M-15 two-place land machines for reconnaissance purposes. This is of the single fuselage type, nose radiator, powered with Fiat A-12 bis, 300 horsepower engine, and with Warren truss wings.

Characteristics of this machine are as follows:

Span ----------- 13.475 m.
Length, overall ----- 8.570 m.
Height ---------- 3.300 m.
Area ----------- 42 sq. m.
Weight, empty ------ 1125 kgs.
Useful load ------- 510 kgs.
Total weight ------- 1635 kgs.

Load is made up as follows:

Pilot and observer ---- 150 kgs.
Fuel for three hours --- 225 kgs.