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One of the most interesting seaplanes designed and built in Italy, representing a departure from the conventional, was the P. R. B. 1. It was designed by Mr. Pegna. It is a four-motored machine employing the Fiat 300 h.p. engine.
Principal characteristics are as follows:

Span ---------------------    3 m. 40
Chord --------------------    3 m. 50
Gap ----------------------    4 m.
Tail surface -------------   18 sq. m.
Mobile surface -----------    6 sq. m.
Total height -------------    6 m. 60
Total length -------------   18 m. 
width of hull. maximum ---    2 m. 81
Height of hull, maximum --    2 m. 60
Length of wing floats ----    3 m. 50
Width of wing floats -----    0 m. 70
Height of wing floats ----    0 m. 70
Weight, empty ------------ 5200 kgs.
Total weight ------------- 8200 kgs.
Useful load -------------- 3000 kgs.
Total horsepower --------- 1040
Weight per horsepower ----    7 kgs. 88
Weight per square meter --   39 kgs. 61
Maximum speed, fully loaded 170 k/h.
Economical speed ---------  150 k/h.
Landing speed ------------   80 k/h.

This machine is featured by its tandem Fiat engines, mounted on the lower wing. They permit ready accessibility during