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The Fiat Company was one of the companies in Italy that had a huge amount of war stock on hand at the cessation of hostilities. They have attempted to dispose of this material to the best advantage and do a little development work at the same time. Their most interesting motors and machines are described below. 

FIAT ENGINE TYPE A 12 BIS. - The characteristics of the famous Fiat A 12 bis, six cylinder engine, are as follows:

      (maximum, at 1700 r.p.m. ----------------------   340 h.p. 
Power (average, at 1600 r.p.m. ----------------------   304 h.p. 
      (guaranteed, at 1600 r.p.m. -------------------   265 h.p.
Normal speed ----------------------------------------  1700 r.p.m.
Maximum speed ---------------------------------------  1800 r.p.m.
Average speed of piston -----------------------------     9.6 mt/sec
Number of cylinders ---------------------------------     6
Cylinder bore ---------------------------------------   160 mm.
Stroke ----------------------------------------------   180 mm.
Ratio of compression (V + v) / v --------------------     4.7
Average pressure -------------------------------------    7.6 eff.atm.
Total weight, empty ----------------------------------  385 kgs. 
Total weight, including water ------------------------  400 kgs.
Approximative total weight with water and radiator --- 4422 kgs. 
Weight per horsepower with engine empty --------------    1.15 kgs.
Weight per horsepower with water and radiator --------    1.30 kgs. 
Petrol consuption per h.p. hour: 
Guaranteed -------------------------------------------     .235 kgs.
Average ----------------------------------------------     .220 kgs.