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Ratio of compression (V + v) / v ---------------------    4.5
Average pressure -------------------------------------    6.7 eff/atm.
Total weight when empty ------------------------------  730 kgs. 
Total weight including water - 760 kgs. 
Approximative total weight with water and radiator ---  845 kgs. 
Weight per horsepower with engine empty --------------     .970 kg. 
Weight per horsepower with water and radiator --------    1.15 kgs. 
Petrol consumption per h.p. hour:
Guaranteed -------------------------------------------     .030 kg. 
Average ----------------------------------------------     .022 kg. 
Lubrication system ----------------------------------- Forced feed. 
Ignition system -------------------------------------- 4 magnetos with 12 spark plugs. 
Number of spark plugs for each cylinder --------------    4.
Number of valves per cylinder ------------------------    4. 
Number of carburetors --------------------------------    4. 

Remarks - The weights are to be allowed 5% plus tolerance. The propeller is applied directly on the crankshaft with left-handed rotation and may be either tractor or pusher. 

FIAT ENGINE A 15 R - Fiat engine A 15 R, 400 horsepower, 12 cylinder, is of the geared down type and is apparently very clean in appearance. Photographs of this motor will be found in our files. 

Characteristics of this motor are as follows: