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the single seater pursuit aviation.

        There was always great difficulty in assembling pursuit units and bombardment units on account of the difference in the character of the planes, one being very fast both in speed and climb, and being the other being slow in both of these characteristics. If close accompaniment of pursuit and bombardment were adopted, immediately upon joining combat the pursuit aviation was drawn away from the bombardment. Therefore, it would be necessary for the enemy to have only to detachments for attack -- one to draw away the single seaters and the other to attack the bombardment. If two seaters remain in position on the flanks, in front, and in the rear of the bombardment ships themselves because they depend for defense on their volume of fire only and have no ability to pursue or maneuver under these conditions. 

        The officers of bombardment aviation insisted for the most part that they have pursuit protection, and that this pursuit protection be two-seaters. Some, however, agreed with the officers of pursuit aviation in the opinion that bombardment must protect itself in its missions, but that bombardment and pursuit aviation should act together so as to concentrate their forces over the objective to be attacked, and possible at one or two places on the way to the objective and on return form the objective.
