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        As to the question of command, it was the unanimous opinion that air force should be under the orders of the highest commander in charge of a particular operation, whether it be an air force operation, and army, group of armies, or the whole army; - that is to say, if an army (in the sense that armies were organized in Europe) is given a specific task and certain aviation is assigned to it, all of it should be under the jurisdiction of that army commander during the particular operation with which he is charged, all the air force itself, however, being handled through the commander of the air force. By this is meant that, if an air force commander with an air division reports to General "A" commanding the First Army, all air forces acting in that area pass automatically under his jurisdiction, including any pursuit elements or observation elements which may be attached to the army, army corps, or divisions. These, then, are handled as one complete organization. The liaison system is perfected, and tasks are assigned to each branch of aviation as required. This does away with the great complication of lack of liaison and distribution of air forces as was the case in the last war. Similarly, if the operation is to be carried on by a group of armies, command of all aviation should reside in the senior air forces commander under the jurisdiction of the army group commander. Distribution of air power is specially to be 
