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duty at the direction of the President in case of war or national emergency. In addition to being subject to call in time of emergency, the personnel of the Reserve shall also be required to perform active service not to exceed forty-five days in any one calendar year, except at their own request. The personnel of the Reserve, while on active duty, to receive the same pay and allowance as that received by members of the permanent establishment of the same rank and grade. In case of death or disability, total or partial, while on active duty, members of the Reserve or their beneficiaries shall receive the same compensation and allowance as provided for the members of the permanent establishment.

11. Commissioned and enlisted personnel of the permanent establishment shall be retired on three-quarters' pay of their grade, at the age of fifty-five, or in the case of enlisted, after thirty years' service, optional with the man.

12. Civil personnel of the permanent establishment who have served thirty years may be retired at their own request at three-quarters' pay. Civilians of the permanent establishment who have served fifteen years or more may be retired ar sixty-five; with a retired pay commensurate with their length of service and the rate of pay at the time of retirement.

13. All personnel engaged in aeronautical work (those who command, operate, supply, repair, maintain, transport (normal land, water,