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There has been no politics about the places where Coast Artilleryman have had to spend their careers. There have been some serious technical wrangles about the type of armament and some "face saving" about carriages, but the war cut of the millstone and now the Corps and Army Artillery, camouflaged in time of peace as Coast Artillery, is portable at least where immobile, and we have a real coast Artillery Corps, not a harbor defense Artillery Corps. As anti-aircraft artillery, they can defend their anti-ships'guns, or can rush to the rescue of coastal centers that are under airplane attack. They can help defend the coastal air stations, the coastal railroads and the embarkation camps. Their great guns supplemented by aircraft can drive off close attacks by fleets and keep out runbys. Their mobile armament can drive airplane carriers out of isolated harbors, inlets and rivers. All they need is the definite assignment of small airships, balloons and airplanes to help them out on long range fire and to accompany them as they move up and down the coast, to drive off carriers of minor raids.

The Coast Artillery is in a position to save the taxpayers many million dollars in the matter of utilities already built and as barracks, storehouse, roads, water, sewerage, power, telephones, fire control lines, etc. Salvage this on a grand scale, Also a chance to introduce the infant air service to a problem next in grandeur of conception, to the tactics of a blue sea navy the tactics of coast defense. They can dissociate the air service from the tutelage of producers and land speculators, and while planting them at times in environments not too pleasant, can at least make them feel that they are part of the most advanced battle lien asoldier can hold in his own country, namely, its shore lines.

Confucius spoke most truly when he said: "He who has looked upon the ocean, can think of no other waters". If we are to engage in a first class war in the future it will undoubtedly be beyond the seas. Coastal warfare will be the order of the day, offense or defense. Why shouldn't part of our Army Air Service move down to the ocean shores and familiarize themselves with the environment our future wars must start in. Let him study over the two greatest war problems yet contemplated Coast Defense and Naval offensive. Then will this young brunch start on the solution of the two next problems, Aerial Coast Defense, Aerial Overseas Offensive.

Let the Army Air Service make the sacrifice, the Army Artillery once made, and help to make a blue sea Navy possible. They Navy may then join the Army ? sacrifice to help make a blue sky airforce.

What is to be the equipment of the Army air force.
Chasse planes to protect others.
Observers planes.
Fast day planers.
Fast and slow night bombers.
Transport planes to haul men and material hurriedly.
A few small seaplanes for coast and river work inside the navy lines and to help the Coast Artillery.
Small fire control dirigibles and captive balloon to help the artillery.
Slow airplanes for coast fire control.
A few semi-rigids to hunt bandits on the Mexican border and patrol the mountain passes of the great railroads.

Transcription Notes:
spelling and grammar errors kept as they are in the original document