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system of time indication and the Army the 12-hour.

In the war time organization of the service of supply for harbor defenses and in the utilization of civil communications facilities there is no doubt much practicable consolidation possible between Army and Navy harbor defense forces, which will make for simplicity and the avoidance of undesirable duplication. There is undoubtedly a need for the adoption of a common system of visual signals for the exchange of intelligence information when other means fail or are inadequate. In this connection the possibilities of searchlights for signalling purposes at night should be thoroughly exploited.

It may be practicable, by using searchlights on naval vessels, to extend the searchlight zone seaward to assist aircraft operations against targets approaching over water. It will assist in welding this tripartite harbor defense into a homogeneous whole to conduct, periodically, minor joint exercises in which the team members will work out the proper teamplay. The solution might be arrived at more readily if officers charged with specific operations kept "journals" of their participation in the exercise, with a view to submitting them to a joint board of review which would study these journals, and the umpires reports, and formulate conclusions and recommendations designed to improve succeeding exercises.

It may be hoped that, as a result of such efforts, there will be developed correct principles applicable to harbor defense concerning "unity of command", "paramount interest", "cooperation", "coordination", "defensive sea areas" - with all their components such as inner and outer
