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Total Number of Flying Schools Authorized - 24.

Estimated Number of Flying Cadets at Flying Schools - Based on Estimated Ground School Graduates
Less 650 abroad monthly.

[[11 Columned Table]]
|Flying Schools in Operation 10/15/17.|Students in School 10/15/17|Students in School 10/31/17|Students in School 11/30/17|Students in School 12/31/17|Students in School 1/31/18|Students in School 2/28/18|Students in School 3/31/18|Students in School 4/30/18|Students in School 5/31/18|Students in School 6/30/18|

|Mt. Clemens|0|9|59|75|75|100|110|110|110|110|
|San Antonio|44|34|85|115|115|150|150|150|150|168|
|San Diego|140|117|93|144|144|144|144|144|144|144|

|Located, but not in Operation 10/15/17|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

|Memphis|   |   |   |80|90|144|144|144|144|144|
|Houston|   |   |   |40|240|288|288|288|288|288|
|Lake Charles|   |   |   |40|139|144|144|144|144|144|
|Dallas|   |   |   |40|139|144|144|144|144|144|
|Wichita Falls|   |   |   |80|117|144|144|144|144|144|
|Waco|   |   |   |80|114|144|144|144|144|144|
|Ft. Worth|   |   |   |40|99|120|140|140|150|144|

|Nine More Schools to be Located.|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

|1.|   |   |   |   |   |   |25|20|20|20|
|2.|   |   |   |   |   |   |20|20|20|20|
|3.|   |   |   |   |   |   |20|20|20|20|
|4.|   |   |   |   |   |   |20|20|20|20|
|5.|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |20|20|

|Total Cadets in School|630|554|472|1064|1137|1937|2211|2140|2105|2494|