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MEMORANDUM for Equipment Division,

1. In order to provide the necessary squadrons abroad, the schedule for transportation as adopted by this office, is indicated below.

|Already sailed.|NoV;| Dec.| Jan.| Feb.| Mar.| Apr.| Duty U.S.| Total 
|[[strikethrouth]] Se[[strikethrough]]|Service|12|35|40|45|50|45|36|82|345
Const'n|9|8|15|13| | | | | 45
Supply| |8|7|20|14|12|12|8|81
Repair| |4|4|3| | | | |11

2. It is to be noted in the above table that the number of squadrons to be transported are as indicated in the column headed November to April. 

3. This schedule takes the place of the one dated August 23, 1917. 
Colonel S:G:

for report of General Foulois
(Note: A total of 144 squadrons have been organised up to the date of this estimate - LO/19/17 - and additional squadrons are to be organised to maintain above schedule)

T.S; Section.