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was obtained by August 1, and operations commenced again, the 11th and 20th Squadrons joining on and September 7, 1918 respectively, at and Amanty (Meuse). 

The first day bombardment group was formed September 10, with the 11th 20th and 96th Squadrons. The two new Squadrons operated D.H.4's with Liberty engines. 

For the Argome offensive the 116th, equipped with D.H.4's, Liberty engines, was added to the Group.

[[underlined]] BALLOONS [[/underlined]]

The Toul sector served the same training purpose for the balloons that it did for the Observation, Pursuit and Bombardment Aviation. On February 26th, the 2nd Balloon Company moved into position near Royamiaux and was assigned to the 1st Division, 1st Corps, on the 28th. On April 12th, the 4th Balloon Company arrived in the area of the 2nd Division at Lahamieux. The 1st Company took station near Baccarat with the 42nd Division on April 15th. These Companies later comprised the 1st Corps Balloon Group, and were the only ones at front until the later part of July.