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- 14 -  [[1]]

    The purpose was to obtain training in quiet sectors.  The plan of training was to obtain assistance in early instruction from French commissioned and non-commissioned specialists who were retained only until American specialists were competent to carry on the work alone - usually a very short time.  This relieved French companies and enabled proficient American companies at the front to train specialists for new companies.
    The Toul sector was perfect for the purpose.  These balloons regulated artillery fire, located targets and reported activity, both day and night.  Personal liaison was emphasized as  it was at all times necessary to instruct the other branches of the Service as to possibilities, limitations and use of the balloons.

    These companies next operated on the Marne as mentioned elsewhere.

    Following are the principal operations with short descriptions of the part played by each branch of Military Aeronautics.

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Transcription Notes:
[[1]] centered