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having experiences personnel attached to them as a nucleus.

June - August
The work of Pursuit and Corps Observation and Balloons at Chateau-Thierry became of more rigorous character than that in the Toul and Baccarat sectors; and each of the three stages called for a somewhat different disposition of the air units to effect the best results.
The Chief of Air Service had, in general orders of May 29, laid down the duties of the Corps C.A.S. and the first week in July the 1st Corps C.A.S.  established headquarters at La Ferte-sous-Jouarre and here, for the first time, he assumed active tactical control of the units making up the Corps Air Service, which consisted of the observation squadrons comprising the 1st Corps Group and the balloon companies operating with corps troops.
When the American participation at Chateau-Thierry commenced, there were but three American balloon companies at the front - the 1st, 2nd and 4th. One was near Baccarat and the others north of Toul. These were trained and in shape to face all conditions of warfare and were moved to the Marne.