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The Washington Post.
Washington: Sunday, November 15, 1925

Gen'l Order No. 9999999
Any officer who criticises this bumming-plane will be court-martialed.
Portrait (of) designer Gen. Swivelchair
Bumming Plane Designed by Old Gen. Swivelchair.

"A Matter of No Importance."
Chicago Tribune: Theodore Douglas Robinson, in passing through Chicago, said that Col. William Mitchell was "an impudent and wrongheaded trouble maker." Mr. Robinson's importance in the decisions of his country is confined to the implications of his first name. If the post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy is a reversion of the Roosevelt family, we hope the succession better luck another time.

Not Swivel Chair Men.
Los Angeles Times: Those who have said our War Department was in the hands of swivel-chair battlers have no argument left. The new Secretary and his First Assistant are both men of actual experience in the field. They have both been decorated for especially valiant service. They are both young men with a vast capacity for work. The critics should have a gruesome time in heckling this branch of the government. Post - 11-6-25.