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Transcription: [00:42:24]


{SPEAKER name="William Ennis/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Little bug. [[pause]]

[[general applause]]
Thank you.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Bill, do you always do that the same way, or do you change it for different audiences?

{SPEAKER name="William Ennis/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
Oh it's not possible to keep it the same. It really depends, kinda what's coming out.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Hmm, hmm.
{SPEAKER name="William Ennis/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
It's not possible to keep it the same, no.[[laughs]]

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Well, that's probably true. Well that's a very good way--yeah, go ahead.

{SPEAKER name="William Ennis/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
I might try tomorrow um--if I do it tomorrow it may even be different.

{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Sometimes hearing people ask deaf people rather strange questions about their deafness. And this is, this turns into a kind of series of jokes that are very much enjoyed at the same time that they're a little bit deplored in the deaf community.
I wondered if any of you would like to share some of those stories about things hearing people imagine about deafness because they don't have a lot of contact with deaf people. Barbara--
{SPEAKER name="Barbara Kannapell/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
One evening I went to a meeting with all hearing people. I had an interpreter and after the hearing -- after the meeting they came up and started talking to me and I was talking with the hearing people through the interpreter. One person asked me, 'Can you read braille?'

Transcription Notes:
The moderator is Jan DeLap - not Barbara who is a panelist. At 44:02 she seems to introduce Barbara but then speaker's voice is male - since he is the deaf interpreter.