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Transcription: [00:33:48]
{SPEAKER name="Ella Mae Lentz/Shirley Schultz (interpreter)"}
"Life and Death"

This next poem is called "Life and Death" and I wrote this myself.
This poem, I tried to experiment with the idea of putting signs on paper.
You see signs is , eh, sign language is a visual language and uses space to establish things. So I tried to put the signs on the page represent the space.
It didn't work well but I think it is a nice poem to share with you.

Ocean, huge and blue,
spreads out in space,

ripples bigger, bigger
waves bigger, bigger

splashes it's hands
upon an old huge rock

rising up and up
on top, a tree, old and crooked

watches and muses upon the ocean.
both conflict, yet but both blended.


Thank you. I don't know what I do with--

[[microphone feedback]]

That's okay. I put my hand on it. Don't do that. [[laughs]]

"San Francisco Song?" She didn't tell me about that one.



We didn't have time, much time to practice, so I hope you can bear with us.

Ah, this song was written by a teacher of mine who was deaf. That person influenced me a lot, in terms of writing poems, playing with signs.
And I chose that poem because I am going to San Francisco myself very soon, and I grew up there. [[giggles]] So I really feel a relation with that place, a connection.