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Transcription: [00:27:25]
{SPEAKER name="Barbara Kannapell/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
So, we took a train. And then you know that, uh, the boat on the Rhine takes all day. Maybe five, maybe six hours.
Going down on the train only took it, like, two hours. Well, it was better than nothing.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
That's too bad. I'd like to thank all of our participants today. I'd like to thank all of you in the audience, and would you please help me thank our participants.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
Clap directly at the participant, not at the interpreter. [[laughter]]
Now let's thank our interpreters. [[APPLAUSE]]
Okay. Immediately following this, Bill Ennis will be teaching an introductory course in American Sign Language, right here, in this tent.
In the other tent, do we have a demonstration of the TTY? Simon? TTY? Yes.
In the other tent we'll be demonstrating the teletypewriter, a device that's used by deaf people to communicate over the telephone. So we'll be showing that, we'll have a sign language lesson, a short introductory course, here, right after this, then we open again tomorrow morning. Thank you.
{SPEAKER name="Jo Radner"}
He's a computer programmer at the Department of Agriculture and also, in fact, teaches sign language in several places, right? Different places. Including at his place of work to his fellow workers. Okay, Bill, it's all yours.
{SPEAKER name="William Ennis/John Ennis (interpreter)"}
All mine. Thank you, Jo.
[[drum beats in background]]
I thought, to start with--can you see me over there? Okay. Come back, come on over to this side. There you go.
[[drumbeats in background, indistinct chatter]]
Maybe, um, we would like to join over there with the drumbeats! Well, anyway.