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[[caption from previous page]] Senator Brooke is shown watching the matches from his bicycle with Judge Mitchell of Boston and a friend [[/caption from previous page]]
[[image - b/w photo of Senator Brooke sitting on a bicycle]]

[[image - b/w photo of Senator Brooke sitting on a bicycle]]
[[caption]] Awarding top trophies to Mrs. Winston Burnett who won the Women's Singles match. [[/caption]]

[[image - b/w of Senator Brooke and Mrs. Burnett]]
[[caption]] Talking to Mrs. Liz White. [[/caption]]

[[caption from previous page]] A former participant who can still "swing a mean racket", Uncle Ed, as he is fondly known to all young people who compete for the prizes donated by Rupert Knickerbocker Beer, is shown congratulating 17 year old Linkie Pope, Jr., who grew up to win the Men's Singles Drown last summer. [[/caption from previous page]]
[[image - spans two pages; b/w photo of Senator Ed Brooke congratulating 17 year old Linkie Pope, Jr.]]

[[image - b/w photo of Senator Brooke leaning on a bicycle, next to Arthur Funn]]
[[caption]] Discussing a point with Attorney Arthur Funn, a tournament official. [[/caption]

[[image - b/w photo of L-R: Frank Bonito, Senator Brooke, and George Maynard]]
[[caption]] The senator poses with Frank Bonito of Boston and George Maynard of Springfield. [[/caption]