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January 31, 1960

Miss Alma W. Thomas, teacher of art at Shaw Junior High School, is a native of the state of Georgia. She attended the public schools of Washington, D.C., and graduated from Howard University with the A.B. degree. Her M.A. degree was received at Columbia University of New York City. Special studies in art were pursued at American University.

Miss Thomas has taught art in the public schools of this city for over forty years and has been a proud source of inspiration for countless pupils who have profited by her superior teaching. Her fine professional training in addition to her talent and inherent love of the beautiful contributed greatly to her eminent success as a teacher.

Gifted with unusual artistic ability, Miss Thomas has created a number of paintings which  have won many honors and awards. Recognized art critics have extolled her works, and the general public is indebted to her for many inspiring contributions.

As a patron of the arts, Miss Thomas has consistently supported and aided the Aden Art Gallery of Washington, D. C. Frequent exhibitions there, as well as at the National Gallery of Art, the Corcoran Art Gallery, schools and colleges in several cities attest her ability and skill, and endear her to lovers of art.

Administrators, faculty, staff of Shaw Junior High School wish Miss Thomas happiness and health during her retirement.

Board Meeting
January  20, 1960