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which my father was a member. ^[[Father was a 33rd degree Mason.]] The Prince Hall Lodge had a Ladies Auxiliary.

There were several colored physicians. However, I only remember two. They were Edwin H. [[strikethrough]] Mare(sp)? [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mayer]] whose office was at 1010 First Avenue and home [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[address]] at 614 Second Avenue; and Charles S. Swann whose office was located at 20 Tenth Avenue [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] home [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[address]] [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] 1611 Third Avenue. Both of these doctors were very close to our family. Dr. [[strikethrough]] Mare(?) [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mayer] married a lady from Augusta, Georgia. They had three children -- Edna, ^[[Lou]] Alma's friend, and Leon. Dr. [[strikethrough]] Mare [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mayer]] died about 3 years before we moved to Washington.

After Dr. [[strikethrough]] Mare's [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mayer's]] death ^[[his widow]] Mrs. [[strikethrough]] Mare [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mayer]] moved to Washington from Columbus. She prevailed upon my mother and father to come to Washington. Also^[[,]] Aunt Sally ^[[, my mother sister, who]] had married Joseph [[strikethrough]] McDuffy [[/strikethrough]] ^[[McDuffie]] of Columbus ^[[prevailed upon mother and father to move to Washington, D.C., where their children could receive a good education]]. Joseph had a government job in Washington, and [[strikethrough]] took medicine [[/strikethrough]] ^[[attended Howard University Medical School ]] at night from. [[strikethrough]] He only [[/strikethrough]] ^[[His medical]] practice [[strikethrough]] d medicine [[/strikethrough]] ^[[was only]] in the evenings, after government hours.

Leon ^[[Mayer]] finished [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] M Street High School ^[[and college. Then went to]] [[strikethrough]] He graduated from [[/strikethrough]] Howard's Dental School ^[[where he received his degree in dentistry. He practiced in Baltimore]] [[strikethrough]] and worked as a dentist. [[/strikethrough]] He died very young. Lou finished the M Street High School and went to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the D.C's]] normal School. ^[[ no.2]] She taught kindergarten in the public schools in Washington. Lou married Lecount (?[[strikethrough]] not clear [[/strikethrough]] ) Cook, a physician, from a prominent  ^[[old]] Washington family. After [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Lou's]] marriage failed, [[strikethrough]] Lou [[/strikethrough]] moved to ^[[moved Los Angeles]] California ^[[with her Mother, whose health was failing a]]. - Edna ^[[,]] married a lawyer from Baltimore and moved out to Los Angeles, California. [[strikethrough]] Mrs. Mare also moved to California because of her health. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mayer]]