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worked on Saturdays too in the government. They would not let Mr. Johnson and Uncle Willie leave the place. They locked them up in there and had them to stay^[[over night]].  [[strikethrough]] That [[/strikethrough]] [[circled]] worried [[/circled]] momma ^[[& grandfather]] very much ^[[when she heard about the riot]] [[strikethrough]] and my grandfather [[/striekethrough]] because you couldn't get ^[[any]] messages ^[[ [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] from Uncle Willie then,]] [[strikethrough]] back [[/strikethrough]] and [[strikethrough]] forth [[/strikethrough]] like you can today. [[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] ^[[They]] could only get the news in the [[strikethrough]] from the [[/strikethrough]] morning^[[, from the Atlanta]] Constitution paper and in the evening from the [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]]^[[E]]nquiry paper. [[strikethrough]] That was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[The Atlanta riot is]] one of the reasons we moved here ^[[to Washington]]. 

At one time I remember [[strikethrough]] Momma [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mamma]] saying, there was a lynching in Columbus on Broad Street. That disturbed Momma quite a bit.  [[strikethrough]] So when she came back, all [[/strikethrough]]  ^[[and]] that started her to thinking it was time to move on. That [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[is]] another reason why we're in Washington now, besides the ^[[business of the children educati[[strikethrough]]on[[/strikethrough]]ing. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] ^[[There were]] three girls [[strikethrough]] he had [[strikethrough]] to ^[[be]] educate^[[d]] and he didn't have that much money to send us away to continue our education. [[strikethrough]] Poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] always said^[[, "]]to live you've got to be educated^[["]]. So therefore, we [[strikethrough]] are here now [[/strikethrough]] ^[[moved to]] in Washington. 

The morning of either July 29 or 30 we came to Washington. It took us two days and a night to get here. We travelled by train from the Columbus ^[[Georgia]] depot. [[strikethrough]] We [[/strikethrough]] ^[[All trains were were segregated, colored ]] were not allowed to eat in the dining cars. We had to bring our own food. I remember [[strikethrough]] poppa [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Papa]] having this lovely picnic-style blanket. He had this basket packed for us with fried chicken, sandwiches, and fruit. He had this lady ^[[a very good cake]] make these beautiful cornstarch cakes in different colors -- pink, white, yellow, etc. We left Columbus about 8^[[o'clock A.M.]] and arrived in Atlanta about 11 o'clock^[[A.M]]. It was only 90 miles