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It's where dignity is a right, not a gift.
The senior research chemist who's helping us develop a safety fuel for jet aircraft happens to be black. The one working most closely with him is white. The project couldn't go on without either of them.
Which may explain why people in the interface of companies affiliated with Humble Oil & Refining Company are colorblind.
We couldn't afford to judge people by the color of their skin, or their creed, or their national origin. Even if we didn't have a deep conviction that dignity is a right, not a gift.
Because of our conviction, we gave thousands of dollars last year to the National Urban League and the United Negro College Fund. And we actively recruit and employ qualified graduates of all races, at all degree levels. 
Our interface brings together some of the best minds in all engineering, scientific and business disciplines. Creates challenges and insights beyond those of a single company. And stifles petty thinking and petty minds.
Humble Oil & Refining Company
An Equal Opportunity Employer