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Morris DeLisser, for many years life membership secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, has joined CBS as Staff Executive for Minority Management Resources in the company's Management Resources Department under Clifford J. Benfield, Director.  His duties will include executive placement, management development and manpower planning as they relate to minority group personnel.

Mr. DeLisser most recently was a co-director of the Cooperative College Development Program of the Phelps Stokes Fund, enlisting support and helping to maintain faculty strength for black colleges and universities throughout the United States.  He attended Lincoln University, the University of Hawaii and the City College of New York, and earned his B.B.A. degree at the City College.

The position to which Mr. DeLisser has been named at CBS is a new one, reflecting both past and anticipated future growth in minority executive employment at the company.

Mr. DeLisser, a native of New Rochelle, N. Y., served with the U.S. Army in the Pacific in World War II, was a member of the sales staff of Liggett and Myers for ten years and was on the staff of Ebony magazine.  He is married and lives in New York City.  He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, a Prince Hall Mason and a member of the board of directors of Neighborhood House, a Manhattan West Side settlement house. a

[[image - photograph of Morris DeLisser]]

[[image - photograph of Lucille Rich]]


Lucille Rich, who has worked for New York State and City public service agencies for a number of years, has joined WCBS-TV News as a Reporter, it was announced today by Lee Hanna, Director of News for the Station.

Before coming to WCBS-TV, Miss Rich served for five years as a field representative for the New York State Commission for Human Rights.  She also has held investigative positions with various New York City agencies.

In November 1966, Miss Rich worked for WCBS-TV News in a free-lance capacity as a reporter-researcher for the special broadcast, "Nobody's Children," an examination of the crisis in New York City's foster care program.  She also has done free-lance public relations work and participated in radio and television productions.

Miss Rich was born in New York City and was graduated from the High School of Performing Arts in Manhattan and Queens College.  She attended the graduate school at Columbia University and also studied abroad.

Miss Rich is single and resides in Manhattan.