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[[images - three black & white photos of Brother Brown and other members of the World Congress of Masons]]


Brother Nathaniel A. Brown Sr. carried Sigma to the World Congress of Masons.

Brother Nathaniel A. Brown, is former Past State Director; Past Regional Secretary, Past Regional Director of Bigger and Better Business; Past Regional Director of two Regions and a member of Phi Beta Sigma Chapter of Boston, Mass. of which he Recording Secretary. Carried the message of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity to the Congress of Masons of the World which met in Nice, France from May 28 thru June 2, 1971.

While on the Continent Brother Brown was invited to lecture before Masonic Orders in Paris, France.

Brother Brown is saluted in this issue of Delegates because he was the first of the Afro-American Community to be selected by the Masonic order to represent them at the World Congress.

Brother Brown is a graduate of Livingston College, is also a Past Exalted Ruler and a member of the Past Exalted Rulers Council No. 17 of Northern New Jersey and active member of Commonwealth Lodge No. 19 of Boston, Mass. (Pictures show Brother Brown with other members of the World Congress of Masons.)