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Its purpose is to enhance, through UNDERSTANDINGS, the knowledge of each individual member within the Group. It is not to be used as a political vehicle for self-elevation. It is a "forum" where we can openly discuss, confidentially or otherwise, areas of great concern with hopes of enlightening each other in ways of working to insure that industry performs properly. This approach might enable members of the Group to mutually share experiences and/or information and knowledge otherwise unavailable to them.


United, we would endeavor to work effectively to alleviate some of the employment and other problems minorities are experiencing.

Membership List of THE EDGES GROUP, INC.

Sidney H, Alexander, Jr. 
Manager, Personnel Services 
Newsweek, Inc.
Lee A. Archer, Jr. 
Director, Equal Opportunity Affairs General Foods Corporation
Harold Lance Barclay 
Manager, Employee Relations 
The Reuben H. Donnelley Corp.
William H. Blakely, Jr. 
Employee Relations Coordinator 
Engelhard, Inc.
Sherman S. Brown 
Urban Affairs Officer 
Chase Manhattan Bank
Joseph E. Burgess 
Manager, Minority Relations 
Babcock & Wilcox, Inc.
Edward M. Byrd 
Manager, Personnel Relations 
American Airlines
David C. Cherry, Jr. 
Assistant Agency Manager 
James M. Meyer Agency of 
Equitable Life Assurance Society
Mrs. Frances S. Cherry 
Corporate EEO Mgr.-Personnel Dept. 
Philip Morris Co., Inc.
Christopher K. Chisholm 
Director, Management Resources 
Squibb Corporation
Harold E. Coombs 
Mgr., Equal Opportunity Programs 
Ciba-Geigy Corporation
Andrew W. Cooper 
Andrew W. Cooper, Inc.
Morris M. DeLisser
Paul Gibson, Jr. 
Vice President 
American Airlines
Philip L. Hamilton 
Administrator, Personnel Relations American Airlines
W. F. ("Bucky") Hatchett 
Manager, Special Employment Projects, RCA
Warren M Hinton 
Manager, EEO Activities 
Kollsman Instrument Corp.
Herbert H. Hollon 
Mgr., Affirmative Action 
E.R. Squibb & Sons., Inc.
Richard C. Jackson 
Director, Equal Opportunity Adm., IBM
Mrs. Ruth Allen King 
(Founder of EDGES) 
Placement Officer, Skills Bank
National Urban League 
Phone: 755-6077
Ronald M. Leonard 
Compensation Analyst 
Exxon Corporation
Aubrey C. Lewis 
Assistant Vice President 
F.W. Woolworth Co.
Ronnie Lewis 
Senior Personnel Manager 
Restaurant Associates Industries, Inc.
E. H. Lindsay 
Assistant Vice President 
Broadway Bank & Trust Co.
Stephen N Lockett 
Assistant to the Vice Pres. and General Sales Manager 
Seagram Distillers Corp.
Lee Long, Jr. 
Mgr., Equal Employment Affairs 
American Cyanamid Co.
William L. McKnight 
Equal Employment Coordinator 
NL Industries, Inc.
Charles E. Morrison 
Deputy Executive Director 
Council for Airport Opportunity 
Port of New York Authority
Kennat Moses 
Director, Equal Opportunity 
John H. Moultrie 
Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinator, Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
William T. Patrick, Jr. 
Director, Community Relations 
Wallace W. Price 
(Co-Founder of EDGES) 
Corporate Director, Urban World Airways, Inc. 
Affairs & EEO, Pan American 
Phone: 973-3728
James C. Sermons 
Employment Manager 
JELCO Labs. of Johnson & Johnson
Walter Simpson 
Coordinator, Equal Employment Opportunity, Hazeltine Corp.
Malcolm Stewart 
EEO Administrator 
Sperry Div. of Sperry Rand Corp.
David B. Stinson 
Manager, Training & Equal Oppy. Programs Lever Brothers Co.
Gilbert M. Stroude 
Chief, Bureau of Affirmative Action & Conciliation 
N.J. Div. on Civil Rights
John A. Taylor 
Account Executive 
CBS - Radio Spot Sales
Mrs. Gloria Thomas 
Director, Community Affairs 
WCBS-TV - Channel #2
Linwood Tindall 
Mgr., Minority Relations 
Schering Corporation
Eugene A. Toomer 
Vice President 
Alexander's Dept. Stores, Inc.
James V. Walker 
Corp. Mgr., Equal Oppy. Affairs 
Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Co.
Leslie B. Walker, Jr. 
Staff Rep. - Compensation 
SCM Corporation
Maurice Wardlaw 
Dir., Employee Relations & Community Affairs 
Pan American World Airways
William H Watson 
Dir., Div. of Urban Affairs 
Peter A. Weng 
Asst. Operations Officer 
Marine Midland Grace Trust Co. of N.Y.
Wylie H. Whisonant, Jr. 
Second Vice President 
Bache & Company
James E. Williams
Joseph W. Williams
Walter J. Williams, Jr. 
Staff Rep., Pers. Rela., EEO 
United Airlines, Inc.

[[images - four black & white photograph of people seated in conference room]]
[[caption]] (Beginning with far side of table): William ("Bill") McKnight, [[text cut off]] NL Industries, Inc.; Eugene ("Gene") A. Tommer, Vice [[text cut off]] r's Dept. Stores, Inc.; Sherman L. Brown, Urban Affairs [[text cut off]] Manhattan Bank; David ("Dave") C. Cherry, Jr., Ass't [[text cut off]]im Meyer Agency of Equitable Life; Lee A. Archer, Jr., [[text cut off]] General Foods Corp.; Christopher ("Chris") K. Chisholm, [[text cut off]]ent Resources, Squibb Corp. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] (Left to right): Mrs. Ruth Allen King, Placement Officer, Skills Bank, National Urban League - and Founder of EDGES; George H. Fuchs, Executive Vice President - Industrial Relations, RCA - Guest Speaker from management, and in background, Les B. Walker, Jr., Staff Representative, Compensation, SCM Corp.; Robert ("Bob") Parham, President, The Parham Group, Inc. - Charter Member of EDGES. [[/caption]]