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Become a Life Member of the NAACP Today


I wish to invest in democracy by becoming a Life Member of the NAACP. Hereunder, my name is printed exactly as I wish it to appear on all Life Membership records. 

Name [[blank line]]
Address [[blank line]]
City [[blank line]]
State [[blank line]]
Zip Code [[blank line]]
Date [[blank line]] First payment of $ [[blank line]]  attached (Adult).

[ ]$500.00 full payment  [ ] $250.00 a year [ ] $100.00 a year [ ]  $50.00 a year

Date of Birth (Junior Life Membership only) [[blank line]]
$100.00 Junior Membership full payment, or $50.00 a year, or $25.00 a year. 

Date [[blank line]]  First payment of $ [[blank line]]  attached (Junior).

Make check payable to: 
NAACP Life Membership/ mail to your local NAACP Branch or to the:
Life Membership Division
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
1790 Broadway, New York City, New York 10019

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