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[[images - 4 black & white photographs of lecturers from the series]]
Jerome H. Holland
Francis A. Kornegay
George E. Gullen, Jr.
Marsha Bowles

The Whitney M. Young Jr. Memorial Lecture Series

This lecture series has been inaugurated by Wayne State University to commemorate the achievements of Whitney M. Young Jr. and to continue working toward the full realization of the ideals and goals for which he labored.

He was firm in the belief that America could truly become a multiracial society with justice and equality of opportunity for all its citizens. His particular effort was for the masses of black citizens with their economic handicaps.

"Black America has said in a thousand ways that it believes in America. It has said it in slavery; it has said it in war; it has sad it in peace. It seems to me now that the time has come for America to say 'Black Americans, we believe in you."

Wayne State University will each year sponsor two lectures, one in autumn and one in spring, to be delivered by outstanding leaders in the effort to continue what Whitney Young so well began; to achieve social justice, equal economic opportunity, and political equality for all citizens, but particularly for Black America.

Each of these lectures will try to do what one corporation leader has said Whitney Young did: "He was an advocate appealing to the best in all of us."

[[signature]] Francis A. Kornegay [[/signature]]
Francis A. Kornegay
Chairman of Series
Executive Director
Detroit Urban League

[[signature]] George E. Gullen Jr. [[/signature]]
George E. Gullen Jr.
Wayne State University

Jerome H. Holland

Dr. Jerome H. Holland, former U.S. Ambassador to Sweden, received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Cornell University, and earned his Ph.D. degree at the University of Pennsylvania. While pursuing his advanced degrees he was a college professor, industry personnel worker and researcher.

A former president of Delaware State College (1953-1960) and Hampton Institute in Virginia (1960-1970), Dr. Holland was director of the Division of Political and Social Science and end coach at Tennessee A & I State University (1946-1951), and served as a social research consultant for the Pew Memorial Foundation from 1951-1953.

Dr. Holland has been an active leader in national organizations engaged in promoting the cause of welfare, education, human relations and international understanding, including Experiment in International Living, the National Scholarship Service for Negro Students, and the National Conference of Christians and Jews.

He recently became a director of the New York Stock Exchange and a member of the Chrysler Corporation Board of Directors. In addition, he serves on the boards of several other major corporations and is a member of the governing boards at the College of the Virgin Islands, Cornell University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

His latest book, "Black Opportunity," reveals his continuing commitment to the principles of freedom, equality and justice for all Americans. Dr. Holland was named Ambassador to Sweden in 1970 by President Richard Nixon, serving until September of this year.

Born in Auburn, New York, January 9, 1916, Dr. Holland became an outstanding high school football player. At Cornell University he was a two-time All-America end and was named to the National Football Hall of Fame in 1965. This year, he was the recipient of two distinguished honors: the National Collegiate Athletic Association's highest award, the Theodore Roosevelt Award; and the National Football Foundation's Distinguished American Award for 1972.