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THEME: Promoting a New and Dynamic Forward Thrust for National Involvement and Greater Progress.

Saturday, July 28
8-11 P.M. President's Coctail Reception for Board of Trustees
10-1 A.M. Open House party 
Wolverine Dental Society

Sunday, July 29
9-5 P.M. Registration
9-5 " [[ditto for P.M.]] Press
9-11 Trustee Meeting
10-12 Scientific Session ("Pain Control" Part I)
11-12 ADA-NDA Liaison Meeting
12-2 ADA-Luncheon
2-5 Forum " Charet " Part I
8-12 Get Acquainted Party
7-11 Soul Train Expression I Party
8-12 Soul Train Expression II " [[ditto for Party]]

Monday, July 30
8:30-5 Registration
8:30-10 Trustee Meeting
9-5 Educational Exhibits
9-5 Press
9-5 Commercial Exhibits
10-1130 Opening Session, 60th Annual NDA Convention
12-1:30 Civil Rights Luncheon
2-4 Forum "Charet" Part II
4:30-6:30 Opening Session House of Delegates
6-7:30 Scientific Session (Human Sexuality & the Practice of Dentistry)
8-12 Afro American Party (Young Adults)

Tuesday, July 31
8-6 Golf Tournament
9-5 Registration
9-5 Press
9-5 Exhibits (Commercial)
9-5 Educational Exhibits
9-12 6th Annual Pedodontic Conf.
9-12 Scientific Session (Table & Mini Clinics)
11-12 Trustee Meeting
12-1:30 Pedodontic Luncheon
12-4 Aux. Luncheon & Style Show
1:30-4:30 Forum "Charet" Part III
4:30-5:30 Distrcit Meetings
6-8 Exhibitors & Clinicians Party
8;30-12;30 Rock Concert - Young Adults
8:30-12 Teen Age Fashion Show & Party
9-1 Las Vegas Cabaret Night

Wednesday, August 1
8-9 Past Presidents Breakfast
9-5 Registration
9-5 Press
9-5 Commercial Exhibits
9-5 Education Exhibits
10-12 Trustee Meeting
9-12 Scientific Session Part I (Crown to Root Tip)
1:30 -3:30 Scientific Session Part II (Total Therapy Clinic)
1:30 -2:30 Trustee Meeting
4-6 House of Delegates
7:30 -8 President's Reception
8-10 President's Banquet (Installation of Officers)
10 - 10:30 Intermission - Retire to Lobby
10:30 - 1:30 President's Ball

Thursday, Aug 2
8:30 - 10 Trustee Meeting (Final Session)
9-11 Scientific Session 
(Breakfast Summation Seminars)
(Pain Control - Total Therapy)
10-12 House of delegates (Final Session)
12 Noon Adjournment of 60th Annual Session

NEXT MEETING 1974- MARRIOT HOTEL, Philadelphia, Pa

[[image - black and white photograph of members of National Dental Association]]
[[image - black and white photo of three men]]
[[caption]] Mayor Walter Washington, Washington, D.C., being congratulated by NDA member. [[/caption]]