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In the spring of 1935, while Mrs. Ollie C. Porter was president of the New York Club, invitations were extended to the business and professional women's clubs of Philadelphia and Atlantic City  to establish a National Organization. The organization conference was held at Y.W.C.A. in New York City, July 12, 13, 1935. Mrs. Porter was elected president, Mrs. Pearl Flipping of Atlantic City, secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Effie Diton of New York City, national organizer. State organizers were also elected, Mrs. Emma Goodwin of Atlantic City for New Jersey and Mrs. Josephine Keene for Pennsylvania. The first national convention was held in Atlantic City in 1936.


There are members in more than 250 clubs in the 50 states, District of Columbia and Bermuda. There are honorary members in Africa, France, England and the Virgin Islands. The total membership is upward of five thousand.


Membership is available to women of good standing in the community:

who are actively engaged within the territorial limits of the club in legitimate business for a period of at least 2 years;

who are engaged as owner, co-owner, manager or branch representative having charge as executive with discretionary powers of any legitimate business having a license if required, a definite location and open to the general public.

who have been licensed by any state to engage in any type of work normally listed as a profession for which a college degree is a requisite; who are engaged in an administrative type of work which requires training and skill; who are engaged in civil service and have reached an administrative grade level.


What the Organization can offer the membership:

responsible involvement; opportunities for service; information and action; leadership experience; personal development; community awareness; ties of friendship; fellowship and faith.

What Members can give the Organization:
sensitivity to needs of community; ideas; suggestions; active participation; understanding; cooperation; expertise; loyalty; dedication; commitment. 

Other Benefits

national publication, Responsibility; constructive community service; representation in matters of interest and concern; national conventions; district conferences; area meetings; workshop participation; guidelines for programming; membership growth; youth department 


to promote and protect the interests of business and professional women;
to create good fellowship and a spirit of cooperation among business and professional women; to direct the interests of business and professional women toward united action for improved social, educational and civic conditions and new careers; to encourage and stimulate youth to take full advantage of opportunities for learning to prepare themselves to live competitive world.

[[images -3 black and white photos of women at NANBPWC Convention]]