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[[boxed]] PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY Announced a Plan for A SURVIVAL OF OUR RACE to be unfolded at MOTHER BETHEL CHURCH Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in August, 1974 at PAN HELLENIC CONVENTION IN NEW ORLEANS [[/boxed]] PROPOSED AGENDA SURVIVAL OF OUR RACE WORKSHOP Friday-Saturday, August - 1974 MOTHER BETHEL CHURCH 419 South Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Friday *7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. — Arrangements - Registration Evening activity to be announced Saturday 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. - Registration 9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. - Opening Session, Keynote Address 10:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m. - Room Assignments** 10:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Workshops 12:30 p.m.-1:45 p.m. - LUNCH 1:45 p.m.-3:00 p.m. - Workshop Roundup 3:00-5:00 p.m. - Workshop Reports 5:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. - Closing *Committee of Planning would actually set up the time table and may even wish this to be a 2 or 3 day session permitting more extensive workshop activity on the development of the program. **At this point or at the close of the Roundup a press conference may well be in order. [[images: 4 black & white photographs of scenes from the workshop]] 4