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Bettye Saitch was born in Louisville, Kentucky to John and Mamie Ward. She moved to East Chicago, Indiana as a youngster. She grew up and completed all of her schooling there.

In the late 1950's, she met and married her husband, Eyre Saitch, and moved here to Englewood, New Jersey where she lived up until her untimely demise this Monday past.

Bettye was an active person in church, charity and civic works, such as the Continental Society, the Pivots, and the Citizens Advisory Committee. A member of the Galilee United Methodist Church, she was President of the Y.W.C.A. in Hackensack, and a member of the Board of the Bethune Federal Savings and Loan Bank in Newark, New Jersey.

She is mourned by her husband, Eyre Saitch; two daughters, Betti Jeane Penn and Lynda Mackey; three loving grandchildren, and a son-in-law, Buddie Penn.

[[images - two black and white photographs of funeral mourners at the cemetery]]