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[[image - black and white photograph of Lee A. Archer, Jr., David Cherry, and Joseph Burgess]]
[[caption]] EDGES member, LEE A. ARCHER, JR., Director of Equal Opportunity Affairs, General Foods Corp., stressing a point at an EDGES meeting. Members in background, L-R: David Cherry (Equitable) and Joseph Burgess (Babcock & Wilcox).

[[image - black and white photograph of a group of people listening to speaker; photo and caption span two pages; caption is transcribed in full on both pages]]
[[caption]] Keynote Speaker, RICHARD POLLARD, Senior Vice President and Personnel Director, Chase Manhattan Bank, addressing THE EDGES GROUP, at their Dec. 13, 1973 meeting at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of dais guests at Testimonial Luncheon]]
[[caption]] Some Dais Guests at Testimonial Luncheon, Dec. 13, '73 in honor of outgoing Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chairman, William H. Brown, III, Biltmore Hotel.

L-R: Charles Fields, Partner, Fields, Freeman Associates, initiator of the affair; honored guest, William H. Brown, III; Ruth Allen King, Assistant Director, Placement Services, National Urban League's New National Skills Bank; Arthur Fletcher of Arthur Fletcher Associates. Mrs. King was one of the speakers. THE EDGES GROUP, INC., presented an RCA Color TV, 19" screen, to Mr. Brown in appreciation of his yeoman work as Chairman of the U.S. EEOC. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of William T. Patrick, Jr., speaking with John B. Davies, Jr.; photo and caption span two pages; caption is transcribed in full on both pages]]
[[caption]] EDGES member, WILLIAM T. PATRICK, JR., Director Community Relations, AT&T, conversing with JOHN B. DAVIES, JR., Vice President, Chase Manhattan, during EDGES meeting reception at the Bank, Dec. 13, 1973. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of Wallace W. Price and Harold E. Coombs speaking with David Rockefeller]]
[[caption]] EDGES Co-Founder, Wallace W. Price, Corporate Director, Urban Affairs & EEO, Pan American World Airways; and Harold E. Coombs, Manager, Equal Opportunity Programs, Ciba-Geigy Corp., listening to David Rockefeller, Chairman of Board, Chase Manhattan Bank, during Reception at EDGES meeting, May 23, 1973, at No. 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza. [[/caption]]

[[image - black and white photograph of David Rockefeller speaking with a group of African-American men; photo and caption span two pages; caption is transcribed in full on both pages]]
[[caption]] DAVID ROCKEFELLER, Chairman of Board, Chase Manhattan Bank, chatting with EDGES members during reception of THE EDGES GROUP, INC., 1973; EDGES Host: Sherman L. Brown, 2nd Vice President, Chase Manhattan Bank; Jo[[text cut off]] urgess, Mgr., Minority Relations, Babcock & Wilcox Co.; Wallace W. Price, EDGES Co-Founder [[text cut off]] Corp. Director, Urban Affairs & EEO, Pan Am; Aubrey C. Lewis, Ass't. Vice Pres., F. W. Wool [[text cut off]] rold E. Coombs, Mgr., Equal Oppy. Programs, Ciba-Geigy Corp. In background James H. Mu[[text cut off]] nnel Mgr., CPC International. [[/caption]]