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Philadelphia, PA [[image - black and white photograph of a large number of men and women in formal dress]] who wanted to call their club "GIRL FRIENDS" and become a link in the chain. Baltimore was admitted and it was established that there should be an annual meeting of the groups to maintain these friendships. Thus was born the Annual Conclave. In the meantime, other groups were admitted. The first conclave was held in New York and included as hostess, Philadelphia, Baltimore and New Jersey attending. Dottie Townes, whom we can easily call "Miss Girl Friend," was responsible for the Philadelphia chapter and expansion. She also instituted the CHATTERBOX, Friendship Week and the Installation Ceremony along with her chapter. Our "firsts"...In 1953, Anna Murphy realized that the business could not be handled at the Annual Conclave and proposed the first Executive Meeting. In Girl Friends you'll find a binding tie of loyalty, a great depth of sincerity and a deep and abiding sisterly affection. There are 29 chapters and we heartily and sincerely announce the birth of our new children - Nashville, Durham and our new baby - St. Louis. With love and affection - We welcome you St. Louis to Girl Friendom. THE GIRL FRIENDS Who Are They? The Girl Friends is a National Organization which consists of 29 chapters numbering over 600 members; whose common bond is friendship and whose purpose is a deep and active concern for each other and for humanity. What Do They Do? The 29 chapters of Girl Friends give generous financial support and dedicated personal service to educational, cultural, civic, and charitable endeavors. A few of the best known projects to which they have contributed are: The N.A.A.C.P.; The Urban League; The United Negro College Fund; The National Scholarship Fund for Negro College Students; The United Nations; UNICEF; Mental Health; March of Dimes; Mental Retardation; The Emotionally Disturbed Child; Rehabilitation of the Physically Handicapped; The Arts; and National Mississippi Project. Service? As "Private Citizens", Girl Friends are wives, mothers, homemakers, career women (doctors, lawyers, educators, social workers, business executives, politicians, etc.), who keep abreast of community needs and the issues pertinent to this supersonic age. They attend meetings of educational, civic and cultural groups. They talk to local and national leaders about community and universal problems of humanity. They work as volunteers at a "grass roots level" with the needy, culturally disadvantaged and indigent. They serve on boards, commissions and committees. In other words, The Girl Friend as a private citizen, believes that the world and every community can become a happier, more fulfilling place for everyone. She volunteers her services to this and always. Friendship Girl Friends, most of all, have fun. Their hearts are light and gay. Their creed is friendship and their avocation is a commitment to serve humanity. 33