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[[image - black and white photograph of Leo G. Bell]] [[caption]] Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. has announced the promotion of LEO G. BELL to the newly-created position of Manager of Minority Affairs in the Public Relations Department. Mr. Bell will be responsible for coordinating urban affairs programs and minority relations activities of the corporation. [[/caption]] [[omage - black and white photograph of Mrs. Brenda T. Henderson]] [[caption]] Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. has announced the promotion of Mrs. Brenda T. Henderson to Assistant Advertising Brand Manager for Viceroy cigarettes. In her new position, she is responsible for overseeing all media plans, brand merchandising and sales promotion for Viceroy. In addition, she will coordinate all legal clearances, supervise scheduling and advertising location work for the brand, and recommend procedural changes to enhance administrative efficiency. [[/caption]] [[image - black and white photograph of racing driver Randy Bethea with man in business suit]] [[image - black and white photograph of racing driver Randy Bethea in his race car]] [[caption]] Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation's announcement that VICEROY cigarettes will sponsor Black American Racers Inc., marks the first time a Black auto racing team is being supported nationally by a major corporation. Randy Bethea will drive the team's new "Super Vee" Viceroy Special in 12 races this year sanctioned by the International Motor Sports Association and Sports Car Club of America. His first outing will be the Road to Atlanta race on April 21. Black American Racers Inc. was originally formed in 1969 to develop a team of Black drivers and mechanics to compete in major American and International auto races. In addition, the organization strives to create awareness and interest for auto racing in the Black community, and to create special programs for greater involvement by Blacks in the sport. LEONARD W. MILLER, 39, is president of Black American Racers Inc. and owner of Dynamic Programs, Inc., a management consulting firm. Holding a B.S. from West Chester State College and an M.S. from Temple, Len Miller's involvement in auto racing began in 1953 as a mechanic's helper at modified stock car races in the Philadelphia and Baltimore areas. ALFRED M. CAMPBELL, III, 25, is vice president. Holder of a B.S. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, his involvement in auto racing began in 1969, well before his graduation in 1971. RAY HEPPENSTALL, 41, is chief mechanic. He began his racing [[/caption]] 36