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WELCOME TO NEW YORK. . . The Most Worshipful LOUIS C. CARTER Grand Master, Prince Hall Masons State of New York INVITE YOU TO ATTEND 1974 Prince Hall Grand Lodge Communication NEW YORK SHERATON HOTEL JUNE 5 thru 7, 1974 [[image: black and white photograph of Louis C. Carter]] [[caption]] M. W. LOUIS C. CARTER The most worshipful Grand Master [[/caption]] [[image: black and white photograph of a large stone mansion]] 954 acres of rolling hills - Fishing, Hunting, with an authentic castle, in the Catskills. Prince Hall Home and Resort, Roscoe, N.Y. - Pay us a visit. For information, contact: Clifford Blackman, Public Relations Director M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge 454 West 155th Street, New York, N.Y. 10032 OFFICERS M * W * LOUIS C. CARTER Grand Master R * W * CHARLES Mc GARRAH Deputy Grand Master R * W * WILLIAM J. RICHARDSON Senior Grand Wardn R * W * PAUL J. COOPER Junior Grand Warden R * W * HENRY G. WALTON Grand Treasurer R * W * ALTON L. HAYWOOD, SR. Grand Secretary TRUSTEES R * W * ALFRED L. FIELDS Chairman R * W * CLARENCE W. HIGH, III R * W * LESLIE C. NORRIS R * W * JOSEPH LEWIS R * W * WILLIAM SCATES R * W * CARTER L. JACKSON R * W * EUGENE G. GODDARD R * W * HOMER CHANEY R * W * CHARLES S. SCOTT 41
Transcription Notes:
Change Senior Grand Wardn to Senior Grand Warden