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[[left page of a two-page spread - four full images of event attendees and three partial images that jump the spread]]

Philip Morris entertains at Black Caucus

Besides being the first of the tobacco concerns to advertise in Black Media, a step they took some 35 years ago when the Philip Morris Company hired Herbert Wright, and which they have continued to the present day.

Philip Morris and its affiliates have also contributed to the welfare of the Negro Community by giving yearly $15,000 to United Negro College Fund; gives to Council on Opportunities for Graduate Management Education; grants for minority students; deposits in 35 minority-owned banks; encourages use of minority suppliers at all facilities; advertises Recruits at black colleges; maintains an internal task force on career planning and development for minority workers.

The pictures on this page is presentative of the type of support Philip Morris gave to a worthwhile black cause. They were taken at the reception Herbert Wright and other Philip Morris reprsentatives gave for guests attending the Black Caucus Dinner.

Herbert Wright was host of the reception which entertained Morris Levy, Dinner Chairman; Mr. Frank Rossetti, and Mr. Michael Bloom and the host of guests are pictured here.