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"Before I found Vat 69 Gold, my service off court never scored."

[[image - color photograph of a man holding tennis racquet]]

"My game on court was respectable enough. The problem was, nobody had any respect for what I served afterward. But it was the best I could afford on my budget. Then I found Vat 69 Gold. It had that impressive Vat Gold label on the outside. That impressive Vat Gold taste on the inside. And the price tag! At long last, a premium Scotch whisky I could afford. What a relief! Now everybody admires my serve, both on the court and off".

Vat 69 Gold. The upwardly mobile Scotch.

[[image - color photograph of a bottle of Vat 69 Gold and glass with ice cubes and scotch]]

Blended Scotch Whisky. 86 Proof. Sold U. S. Importer: National Distillers Products Co., New York.