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Former Vice President, With Inoperable Tumor, Went Back Home Dec. 22

Special to The New York Times

MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 13—Senator Hubert Horatio Humphrey died tonight at his home in Waverly, 40 miles west of here.

Death came to the 66-year-old Mr. Humphrey, the 38th Vice President of the United States, at 9:25 P.M., Central Standard Time (10:25 P.M., New York time) about two and a half hours after David G. Gartner, his administrative assistant, had announced to reporters gathered at the home that Mr. Humphrey had lapsed into a coma.

After Mr. Humphrey died, Mr. Gartner said that the Senator had "suffered no pain" in his final hours. 

[In Washington, the White House Press Secretary, Jody Powell, issued the following statement by President Carter: "From time to time our nation is blessed by the presence of men and women who bear the mark of greatness and who help us see a better vision of what we can become. Hubert Humphrey was such a man."]

Carter Sending a Plane

Mr. Gartner said that President Carter would send a plane for the body of Mr. Humphrey, who narrowly lost the 1968 Presidential election to Richard M. Nixon, and that it would be flown back to Washington tomorrow at about 7 A.M. to lie in state in the Rotunda of the Capitol

Members of the family, he said, would accompany the body. Senator Humphrey's three sons, Hubert H. Humphrey 3d, Douglas and Robert, and his daughter Nancy and their spouses, had joined Muriel Humphrey today for the last hours of vigil at her husband's bedside.

"Mrs. Humphrey is very well," Mr. Gartner said. "She has accepted this and she is getting along very well as are the other members of the family."

[[caption]] Hubert H. Humphrey [[/caption]]

Mr. Gartner said that the Senator's remains would be returned to St. Paul from Washington to lie in state at the rotunda in the state capitol. He said funeral services would be in the House of Hope Presbyterian Church in St. Paul and burial in Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis. 

The last senator to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda was Everett McKinley Dirksen, Republican of Illinois, who died in September 1969.

Twenty-two persons have lain in state in the Capitol Rotunda. The last was former President Johnson, whose body lay in state there Jan. 24 and 25, 1973.

Mayor Koch Voices Sorrow

In New York, Mayor Edward Koch voiced sorrow Friday night at the passing of the Senator, whom he termed, in a City Hall statement, "a good friend, tireless leader and great American." The Mayor said that Mr. Humphrey had served the nation and the Democratic Party "with skill and dignity" and had been "continuously responsive to calls for help from the weak and defenseless."


Transcription Notes:
image - black and white portrait photograph of Hubert H. Humphrey