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[[caption]] Ill. Arthur D. Jewell, 33[[degree sign]] [[/caption]]

Ill. Arthur D. Jewell 33[[degree sign]], our former Recording Secretary of the Holy Empire since 1950, was given Emeritus Past Recording Secretary Honors at our last Session. Due to physical conditions he has not been able to function in that position lately. We wish for him a speedy recovery and we will miss those copious minutes.

Included in the many dignitaries in our last class of Grand Inspectors General was Ill. Burkes 33[[degree sign]]. He is now 98 years old, no that's not a typographical error, 98 years old. His agility and sense of humor was hard for his fellow class mates to keep up with. Ill. Burkes is a resident of Pittsburgh, Penna. and a member of St. Cyprian Consistory No. 4.

The above picture was taken at the Scottish Rite Cathedral and more than likely Prince Hall, our Patron Masonic Saint is telling him that "good things come to those who wait."

[[caption]] Ill. Dr. Robert Shannon Taylor, 33[[degree sign]] Deputy of Iowa for over 50 years [[/caption]]

The Davenport Bank and Trust Company has informed the office of the Secretary General, that included in the will of Ill. Dr. Robert S. Taylor 33[[degree sign]], former Dean of Deputies from Iowa, was a donation of $20,352.17. 

This donation was designated for the Scottish Rite Cathedral Library Fund. An appropriate plaque will be mounted in the Cathedral's Library acknowledging the donation, and as an inspiration to all of us.

[[caption]] Ill. Courtney P. Houston, Jr. 33[[degree sign]] Grand Master of Delaware [[/caption]]

Judge C. P. Houston, Jr., our Treasurer General of the Holy Empire has once again made his tour around the world and during the course of his trip he setup a U.D. Consistory in Iran which also covers Thailand as authorized by Sovereign Grand Commander Frank M. Summers 33[[degree sign]], who had appointed his Special Deputy to Asia for that purpose. The Consistory was named the Robert Henry Consistory No. 95 as approved at our Supreme Council Session in Phila., Penna., this past May 1977.

Under the authority of our new Sovereign Grand Commander, Russell S. Gideon 33[[degree sign]], Ill. Houston was reappointed Special Deputy to Asia and authorized to set up another U.D. Consistory in Turkey which also covers Greece.

Ill. Houston was re-elected as Grand Master of Delaware in June 1977 for the State and Jurisdiction of Delaware for his 12th year. Hats off to Ill. Houston who wears his several hats very well as stated by S.G.C. Summers during the Supreme Council Session this year.

Ill. Houston plans his round the world trip again this year in February 1978 accompanied by Ill. Herbert C. Norris, Deputy Grand Master and Ill. Franklin Butler, District Deputy Grand Master, to visit Delaware lodges and our Consistories in Asia and other overseas Lodges and Consistories. Ill. Houston extends his finest regards to the Masons and Princes in Germany, Spain and Hawaii for the very fine reception that he received, while visiting those countries this past year.


Added to the Bulletin staff are Ill. John H. Johnson 33[[degree sign]], and Ill. Ralph H. Jones 33[[degree sign]]. 

As you know Ill. Johnson, from Chicago, is the well known journalist, editor and publisher of the Ebony magazine of the Johnson Publishing Company. Ill. Jones of Philadelphia is the former editor of our Bulletin, journalist, author of many books and papers and in addition, a well known public speaker.

Our Bulletin will be a better product with their valuable assistance.

Plan now to attend the 97th Annual Session in Chicago, Illinois
THE UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL, A.A.S.R. (P.H.A.) (Northern Jurisdiction)

Sessions will be held in the Hyatt Regency Hotel
MAY 14, 15 and 16, 1978

Many interesting programs are planned for you and your guests
Detailed information will be forwarded