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(rows of images of women with captions under)
First row: 
Image 1: Mrs. Whitney Young for Community Service
Image 2: LORRAINE EWING for Beauty Education
Image 3: Mildred Stewart No. Atl. Regional Div. A.K.A.
Image 4: Daisy Hicks Board of Education, N.Y.
Second Row: 
Image 1: Mary Lopez Newspaper Columnist
Image 2: Jewel Jackson McCabe President, 100 Black Women
Image 3: Norah Alexander Treas., Women's Aux., N.M.A.
Image 4: Alice Davis  Former Pres., Women's Aux., N.M.A.
Third Row: 
Image 1: Mrs. Richard Ballard, Jr. of Richmond, Va.
Image 2: Dr. Edith Francis Principal, Heightstown School Dept. 
Image 3: Mrs. Janice Kissner  Basileus, Zeta Phi Beta Sor.
Image 4: The Hon. Mable Smythe Amb. to Cameroons
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