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[[five uncaptioned images]]

These pictures were taken when the Hon. William J. Richardson, Grand Master of New York State, Prince Hall Masons, presided at a welcoming ceremony honoring the Rev. Benjamin Hooks (a Mason) upon being selected executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. 

On Tuesday evenings, August 23rd, 1977, Most Worshipful Grand Master, William J Richardson, accompanied by Deputy Grand Master Paul J. Cooper; Senior Grand Warden Eli J. Allen, III; Junior Grand Warden Solomon Wallace; Grand Treasurer Henry G. Walton; Grand Secretary Alton L. Haywood, Sr,; District Deputy Grand Master-at-Large Fred D. Parris; Grand Lecturer Lodge officers and Brothers, hosted a reception at the Schenley building in Manhattan, for the new Executive Director of the NAACP—Reverend Benjamin Lawson Hooks.

Brother Hooks gave an inspiring address, promising to do everything in his power to project the organization in a meaningful way, and support its endeavors.
Responding, the Grand Master pledged the support of all Prince Hall Masons in the State of New York.   

Among the invited guests were: Ms. Lucille Rose, New York City's Deputy Mayor for Personnel; New York City Clerk David Dinkins; Ms. Dot Miller, Mamaroneck (NY), Town Clerk; Leon Puryear, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Charles Williams and Herbert Douglas, Vice Presidents; and Edward Daniels, of the Manpower Career and Development Agency